
Volleyball Antenna – Buying Options and Guide

Antennas play an important role in Volleyball though most casual fans are unaware of it. They are used to determine whether a ball is out-of-bounds. A ball that touches the antenna or sails over the net outside the area marked by the antennas is considered dead, and the rival team gains a point. The players, too, should not touch the antennas.

Deciding which type of antenna is suitable

The antennas should be 1.8 m in height and 10 mm in diameter. They are marked by 10 cm stripes of contrasting color (primarily red and white). The antennas should extend 80 cm above the net and mark the vertical boundary within which the ball must pass. Antennas that can be clamped to the net are preferable for Indoor Volleyball, while those with straps are best suited for playing Outdoor Volleyball. Some people prefer string antennas, but installing them takes longer, so most prefer clamp antennas (they are the easiest to install) when playing on any Volleyball court.

The strap antenna has two separate pieces that can be easily fused together in the middle. One must make sure that the straps at the antenna sleeves do not come off easily before buying them. After all, if they are not durable, the antennas will not be secure, and the game will have to be stopped every time they fall off. Straps antennas are favorites of casual and professional Beach Volleyball players but are also suitable for intense indoor practice.

String antennas have to be laced to the net and are as good as the other types. The problem most people face is not being able to lace the antennas to the net. Some hate the idea of tying the laces, while others do not have the time to do so. Clamp antennas save a considerable amount of time as the players merely have to clamp the antennas to the net. Most clamp antennas have a slot for the net and an aperture for installing the antennas. They are the most secure type as they are designed to endure pressure.

When choosing a pair of antennas, it is advisable to examine the durability of the storage/carrying bag. Some people consider the bags unnecessary, but if the players have the habit of disassembling the antennas and net after a game, they will be beneficial. Collapsible/foldable antennas make storing them an easy task. Besides, keeping the antennas safe will prolong their life for more than a season; great antennas last for at least a year.

Most Volleyball antennas are suitable for both portable and permanent net systems. So, the buyer need not worry about them not being the right choice for their net system. The antennas must be set 9 meters apart in line with the boundary line to act as their vertical extensions. Sadly, not all Volleyball equipment sets come with a pair of antennas; therefore, they have to be bought separately.

If the buyers want to use the antennas when playing Outdoor Volleyball, purchasing a pair that is guaranteed to bear harsh-weather conditions is recommended. As most players do not disassemble the outdoor Volleyball setup, the antennas should be weather-resistant, like the net and the poles.

But, if the buyers are not sure or worried about which antennas will fit their Volleyball nets best, they can choose to purchase adjustable antennas that will be suitable for nets of any size. Not all antennas come with sleeves; some companies sell the antennas and their sleeves separately. People must check whether the pair they choose comes with sleeves or if they have to buy them separately before they decide to purchase it.

Importance of buying suitable Volleyball antennas

Volleyball antennas have bright and contrasting colors to aid the players in determining whether the ball was passed within the boundary lines. Without antennas, it is hard to know if the ball is in play or has died. But what is the use of buying antennas if a powerful spike or a mishit damages them? They need to be durable and secure to help the players enjoy the Volleyball match.

Though Volleyball antennas are crucial for professional Volleyball matches, most players who play unofficial games do not bother to use them when playing Volleyball outdoors. Antennas are more popular in Indoor Volleyball. But if one really wants to succeed in becoming a professional player, following the official guidelines for playing Volleyball will provide an advantage at the time of recruitment. In official tournaments, the antennas are considered as part of the net. Building one’s own antennas may seem like a good option, but purchasing a pair will ensure they last longer and are more robust.

No matter how hard and long players practice to improve their performance and how many types of sophisticated training equipment they use, it will mean nothing if they do not practice hitting the ball to cross the net without touching the antennas. How can one expect a player who has never used antennas to practice refraining from touching or letting the ball touch them?

Some veteran players hit the ball in such a way that, if blocked by the rival team’s blockers, the ball will hit the antenna; this is a challenging skill to master, but it is good to be prepared against such a strategy. Proper preparation is impossible without practicing with suitable antennas. Besides, no player wants to face the wrath of their teammates because he made a mistake that could have been easily avoided if he had been diligent.

At times even experienced players have difficulty blocking or hitting the ball without touching the antenna; usually, it is easy to avoid the antennas while serving the ball. So, there is no harm in searching for a pair of great antennas or a Volleyball set that has antennas. Practice makes perfect, and the players will need an edge over the other players to survive in the highly competitive world of Volleyball.

In short, if the players ever want to make it big or have a successful career as professional Volleyball players, purchasing and practicing with durable antennas is a must. It does not matter which type of antennas are bought; usually, the most convenient ones to install are the preferred choice and vary from person to person.

Sure, people only looking to have fun can forego antennas and focus on setting up a Volleyball court with whatever dimensions they want, along with the poles and the net. A casual game will not be affected by the absence of antennas. But if the players are hard-core and play a match as if their life depends on the game’s outcome, having antennas will probably resolve a lot of issues that will arise when playing Volleyball.

Each and every piece of equipment and protective gear is essential in a game of Volleyball (a practice match or an actual one). Therefore, one must take their time to look for the best pair of antennas commercially available, just like they would for any other Volleyball-related purchase. Making sure that a player buys the best or most suitable products will ease the difficulty of his journey to become the best version of himself.