
Volleyball Headbands Buying Tips

Feeling sweaty during an intense match is really common. Your jersey is wet, and there’s sweat dripping down your forehead. Now, this may look really aesthetic and attractive in movies. But in real life, it’s annoying and uncomfortable.

A strand of hair or a drop of sweat in your eyes may cost you a score against the opposing team. The only way to avoid this is to use a volleyball headband. Shopping for these can be pretty confusing if you have never used one before. This article is for all those confused fellows looking for the best headband. Read until the end to ensure you buy the perfect volleyball headband.

Elastic Headbands

When you enter a store, online or offline, looking for a volleyball headband, you’ll first see the classic elastic headbands made of polyester and spandex. These headbands have been used for ages. We know how technology has evolved over the years. Similarly, sports headbands have also been improved in many aspects.

Purely elastic ones are still the go-to headbands for many. But the elastic one doesn’t need to be the right one for you. These classic headbands may sometimes be a bit too tight or a bit too loose for you. This can affect your gameplay. This is where adjustable headbands come into play.

Adjustable Headbands

When shopping online, you won’t be able to check whether an item fits you right or not. So, if you’re shopping for volleyball headbands for a small kid or if you don’t know your forehead measurements, it is best to go with adjustable headbands. This headband ensures that the material fits you perfectly without irritating your skin.

This is the best for teens and children as they are constantly growing and may grow out of their regular elastic bands.

Tie-On Headbands

Tie-on headbands are also available in stores these days. These headbands, even though they have a lot of pros, come with many cons. The fit is perfect, as you just have to tie it around your forehead. But, if you’re in a rush, it may be hard for you to tie it correctly. If you don’t tie it right, it may unfasten during the game and cost you a score.

The pro is that besides being used as a headband, it can also be used as a bandana, and you can accessorize it however you want.

Which Material Should You Buy?

We just talked about the different types of headbands available in the market. “But what are these made of?” “Why is one material good over the other?” “Does the type of material really matter as long as it fits you right?” These are some of the common doubts one may have while shopping for headbands.

Volleyball headbands are made of various types of clothes. It can vary from cotton, polyester, and nylon to even a mix of these materials. Terrycloth, polyester, and spandex are some of the common materials used to make these headbands.

  • Terrycloth is a soft and fluffy material made from organic cotton. Its highly porous nature makes it perfect to be used as a volleyball headband. Also, for all the environment lovers out there, this material is eco-friendly, which makes it a 10/10.
  • Polyester is known for its durability and strength. Polyester is usually mixed with spandex to make volleyball headbands. Even though this combo is stretchy and durable, it is not recommended to use these when it’s scorching as both of these clothes are not the best at heat and moisture resistance.
  • Everyone grew up learning that nylon is the most substantial fabric and that it is used in ropes for rock climbing. What no one taught you is that it is also pretty stretchable and used in athletic wear like swim wears and our volleyball headbands. Its durability, strength, and wear resistance make it a good choice for volleyball headbands.

Non-Irritable Material

But before you buy a headband because of its material, make sure that the material you’re buying doesn’t irritate your skin. If you cannot use a particular type of cloth material, then ensure that the headband you purchase does not include it.

For those with sensitive skin, it is better to buy soft headbands rather than going for the one in popular demand—the more lightweight and cushier the band, the better.

If using the headband makes you itchy or if it leaves marks on the forehead, then make sure not to buy those again as it is not compatible with your skin. Check what type of cloth the headband uses and avoid using them again.

Sweat Absorption

The primary purpose of the headband is to capture your sweat before it causes you inconvenience. So, it would be best if you bought a headband that is efficient in absorbing moisture and sweat. To ensure that you buy a headband that keeps your sweat away even after a long sweaty day, you need to consider two factors.

Moisture-Wicking System

The moisture-wicking system helps you stay dry all the time. The sweat from your forehead is passed on to the upper surface of the material, making you dry at the forehead.

You know how uncomfortable it is when cotton sticks to your body once it’s all wet with sweat, right? Moisture wicking system helps prevent this non-sticky feeling and makes us feel less yucky. It is perfect for when you are sweating too much.


“Why is width a factor?” one may ask. Now, I don’t want to give you horrible flashbacks to your middle school physics class, so I’ll keep it simple. More width means more area to absorb sweat. That means the band will feel less heavy compared to other bands, even after collecting a lot of sweat.

Feel free to buy thin headbands too.We don’t want a single wide headband ruining your whole fit, right? But make sure that the headband you buy has a moisture-wicking system or is double-layered.


Absorbing a lot of sweat may make the band heavy and loose. It may slide down your forehead in between the game and you’ll have to adjust it from time to time.

If you’ve ever stuck scotch tape on your arm or anywhere in your body, you must know how it gets wobbly the more you sweat because it loses its adhesiveness. A headband slipping down is similar to this situation. To prevent this, you need to ensure that your headband has a good grip.

More width automatically gives you more grip. But if the band is thin, remember to buy one with a rubber grip or one lined with non-slip silicon stripes. Silicon stripes help the headband stay in place, avoiding the risk of slipping down.

Wash Type & After Wash

For lazy people like me, the wash type plays a significant role. It can be exhausting to make time for you to wash your headbands separately, especially after a long day. Choosing a type of cloth that goes along with your regular wash routine is preferred.

But before you buy one just by considering the wash type, make sure that the material wouldn’t get damaged after just one wash. Many of us must have had this experience where we buy something we really like, but after one wash, it shrinks!

The quality of the material should be the number one priority when purchasing a headband, even if it means taking out more time to wash the headbands. It should be durable, stay the same, and fit you perfectly after washing it.

Fits Your Style

Volleyball headbands come in different styles, colors, and designs. Therefore, for these headbands, fashion and function go hand in hand. Using a volleyball headband will give you a fresh and clean look, as it keeps all the sweat away. Choose a headband that fits your aesthetic.

You can even style them in different ways. Wear it around your wrist as a band, and ta-da! You now look as trendy as a football or basketball player. The headband should not downplay your style. Find one that’s uniquely yours and rock it.


Shopping for a volleyball headband for fashion purposes? Try to find one that balances out your fit. All the focus on the headband can be unflattering if you don’t style it right. If it is for athletic purposes, then go for one that is long-lasting and durable ones that are efficient in sweat absorption. Plus points if they are anti-bacterial too. There is a wide variety of items and brands to choose from. Know your style, know your goal, do your research and find one that’s perfect for you.