
Volleyball Necklace Buying Guide

Nowadays, one can see almost everyone they meet wearing a necklace with unique pendants. Usually, the pendants are shaped like an alphabet or animal and are considered lucky charms by a few people. Some people have custom-made pendants for their necklaces to reflect their personalities or favorite hobbies. Also, Volleyball fans use necklaces to let others know their passion for Volleyball by choosing pendants that look like a Volleyball or even a figure playing Volleyball; there are so many options available to those looking for such necklaces.

Tantalizing designs!

No matter what designs one wants, they are all available or can be custom-made. Necklaces with Volleyball themed pendants range from simple designs consisting of the mere outline of the ball to more complex designs which portray players handling the ball. Moreover, some have pendants that display a quote (motivational, funny, witty, or philosophical). One can opt for necklaces with tags if one does not like the commonly available pendants. Usually, the tags have a name or a quote engraved on them; some have printed quotes or phrases.

Also, people can choose necklaces that display the jersey number of their favorite player or lockets which allow them to have a picture of their favorite Volleyball player. People can even have the lockets engraved with the year the player was born or the year he had a breakthrough in his career. These themed necklaces come in various colors, so one will not have trouble finding one that best suits them. As they are suitable for everyday use, they are great fashion accessories that allow people to show off their fashion skills and display their love for Volleyball at the same time.

Are Volleyball necklaces great gifts?

Gold-plated necklaces and those made of sterling silver are also available in addition to the common ones. Therefore, these are great gifts, whether one is looking for a simple gift or something that relays how much one cares about a person. Also, one may present engraved necklaces with quotes or phrases that are personally relevant to those they are to be gifted. These necklaces can be highly personalized and, as such, are great options to be considered while searching for a Volleyball themed present.

But necklaces are not good gifts for Volleyball players as no jewelry is allowed when playing a match; this rule was imposed for the player’s safety. In fact, many sports do not allow the players to wear anything that might harm themselves or the others who play with or against them.

Though some consider this rule to be outdated, it is still in force and has to be adhered to. Of course, nothing stops the players from wearing it when they are not playing a game. So, if they like necklaces, one can buy them personalized necklaces with pendants associated with some aspect of Volleyball – the players, the ball, or the game itself.

Volleyball necklace pairs – Good idea?

Necklaces with pendants or lockets that form a pair never lose their charm; they have remained popular throughout the years. Whether people want something that represents their intense bond with their friends, partners, or kids, paired necklaces are their first choice. So what if the necklaces are not like the traditional ones, and what if they are connected to Volleyball? It shows that two people share a passion for the same sport.

The idea of two halves forming a whole or complimenting one another has always fascinated humankind. Besides, it is easy to lose track of the number of times a pair of lockets has been used as a clue in a mystery novel. Who knows, one may even devise one’s own scavenger/treasure hunt for which these lockets will serve as a clue. So, it is not that surprising to see the popularity of this type of necklace; it will always be considered a wonderful gift.

Volleyball necklaces or Volleyball Bracelets – which is preferable?

Generally, the choice between a necklace or bracelet can be made depending on the person they are intended for. Some love bracelets while others prefer necklaces, but what to do when they like both? If one is in a dilemma as to which one to buy for oneself, then one has to consider the jewelry one already have or the purpose it will serve and come to a decision. If one is buying it for others, their preferences, personality, and requirements must be taken into account.

Usually, bracelets have a wider variety than necklaces, as the sizes in which they are available vary. Bracelets can be small, delicate, and elegant with exquisite designs or large, bold, and trendy to make a statement or send a message. Large bracelets provide a wider surface for the designers to work with and, thus, may have long quotes or multiple miniature figures depicting the Volleyball players. The smaller ones are opined to be a more suitable option for a gift as most people prefer something small but meaningful. Bracelets are great gifts for one’s friends.

Necklaces are delicate and small compared to bracelets but make a greater impression on a person’s mind. One can never go wrong with a personalized necklace as it shows the person who receives the effort and care put into choosing it. Instead of selecting a pendant necklace with a random or common Volleyball image/shape, one can customize the pendant to make it depict one’s favorite Volleyball player spiking the ball, complete with a jersey! If people want to gift a necklace, they must ensure they choose the right player to be depicted before presenting it.

Volleyball jewelry set

Though people usually buy a single piece like a bracelet, necklace, or earrings, sometimes they buy the whole set if it is admirable. Many people love themed jewelry sets, and Volleyball themed jewelry is widely popular. Teenagers love wearing matching jewelry when attending volleyball tournaments to support their favorite teams. The surprising thing about these jewelry sets is that men love wearing them too. Some cite the reason as an increase in confidence, while others suggest it is a way to challenge traditional ideals of masculinity.

Whatever the reason, both men and women shine in Volleyball-themed pendant necklaces, lockets, bracelets, or even earrings. Of course, most men opt for rings, whether they are classic or trendy, like a ring engraved with the image of a Volleyball. It is believed that while women can pull off almost any look effortlessly, men have to be careful when choosing jewelry to not seem like a mobster; at least, that is what most people think. Who cares what others think, though? If one feels comfortable wearing a particular piece of jewelry, nothing is preventing one from wearing it except oneself.

Therefore, people can unleash their passion for Volleyball and buy a Volleyball themed necklace to let the world know what they think. Everyone has the right to express their beliefs and opinions, and what better way is there to do that than make a statement using jewelry? Necklaces, whether normal or Volleyball themed, possess the ability to compliment any outfit and make it stand out. Also, Volleyball themed necklaces may help one find fellow fans unexpectedly during their daily routine and make friends; after all, the world is full of surprises.