
Using Volleyball Rebounder and Buying Guide

Rebounders are important equipment for any sport which involves a ball. Volleyball players can use rebounders to perfect their techniques and improve their skills. The players can train independently without having to rely on others with the help of rebounders. Using rebounders in addition to Volleyball spike trainers ensures that the player’s performance improves significantly. Rebounders are especially useful to beginners attempting to learn various techniques if the coach is unable to spend enough time with them due to unforeseen circumstances.

Are large rebounders convenient?

Rebounders with large surface areas allow the players to hit the Volleyball harder without worrying about missing their target. They can also stand further away from the rebounder, which helps replicate the situations they may face in real Volleyball matches. Rebounders need not always be treated as opponents during practice; the players can adjust the angle of the rebounder and place it as a substitute for their team member and practice how to hit the ball their fellow player would pass in an actual match.

On the other hand, one may have to opt for small rebounders to improve precision. This way, the players can fine-tune their techniques and build a rhythm that helps them maintain their stamina so that they can practice for extended periods of time.

Do rebounders need to be weatherproof?

Volleyball players looking to buy a rebounder should ensure that the rebounders are weatherproof if it is not easy to store them. Otherwise, it does not matter whether a rebounder is weatherproof or not. The frame’s sturdiness and the net’s quality should be checked while buying a rebounder, regardless of whether it will be left outdoors or stored indoors. Durable and weatherproof rebounders will last longer than those that are not.

How to tackle inconveniences caused by flimsy frames?

If the frames of the rebounder are flimsy, they are bound to sway or fall when hit hard with the Volleyball. In such situations, attaching ground stakes to the rebounders will help them bear the players’ attack; ground stakes are an easy solution for those who bought or received a flimsy rebounder by accident.

How to use rebounders for Volleyball?

The player needs to assemble the rebounder on a flat surface where there are no objects to damage if they miss their target. It is common to see players miss the rebounder when they are learning how to hit the ball. Missed marks tend to cause damage, so practicing Volleyball away from anything that cannot be replaced is highly recommended. If the players do not have such a place at their homes, they can always pack the rebounder into their car and find a park or spot where people usually play Volleyball.

Adjusting the rebounder to be at 45 degrees is ideal for practicing Volleyball. The ball will bound off it and return to the players at just the right height for them to practice hitting the ball or serving without hurting themselves. If rebounders with adjustable angles are unavailable, the players can always make one themselves. Making a rebounder from scratch is preferable to altering one’s playing style to suit a rebounder that does not meet one’s requirements.

Net Rebounders Vs. Wooden Rebounders

Some prefer rebounders made of wood as the target area is not bendy and does not break easily. Unfortunately, rebounders made of wood are not available commercially anymore. One has to make them oneself if they are nostalgic for wooden rebounders. The reason for their decline in popularity is that rebounders with net are much more convenient. If the players practicing Volleyball do not mind working with wood, saws, or screws, they can go about happily pottering to create a rebounder.

Rebounders with the nets as their surface area are easy to lift and can be stored almost anywhere as they are compact and foldable. The net can be replaced if it does not rebound the ball effectively. Though wooden rebounders are more durable, it is time-consuming to replace the surface area if it breaks; this is inconvenient to Volleyball players who are determined to practice as much as they can without any interruptions.

Elastic Volleyball Rebounders

Of course, if the players do not want to worry about hitting something other than the target or chase after the ball in case they miss the rebounding ball, they can opt for elastic Volleyball rebounders. This type of rebounder has a waist strap, an adjustable elastic cord to be tethered to the ball, and a ball pouch. It is incredibly useful to improve serving techniques, and the players never have to chase the ball as it gets yanked back to them.

The Volleyball players must also ensure that the rebounder is lightweight so that they do not get distracted by its weight during practice. Some rebounders have adjustable features to suit Volleyball players of all ages. Using finger sleeves while practicing with a rebounder is highly recommended. Some rebounders are suitable for practicing other ball sports, too—people who play various sports, whether as a hobby or a profession, can use these rebounders.

The drawback of this type of rebounder is that it is not as effective as a spike trainer in aiding players to improve their techniques; these rebounders are best suited for perfecting the art of serving or setting the Volleyball. Spike trainers are a better option if the player is trying to improve his spikes and various hitting techniques. Their vertical jumping ability improves dramatically as they require the players to jump high.

A few spike trainers have miniature rebounders to prevent the Volleyball from rolling off and gently bounce it back to the players. Since both pieces of equipment do not require the player to chase after the ball, the player needs to decide which training equipment to buy based on the purpose for which they require it.

How does using a rebounder help?

Practicing with rebounders helps improve the reflexes of Volleyball players; it facilitates the smooth functioning of fingers, wrist, hand, and elbow. Long hours of practice also enhance the strength of the players’ forearms and also help build stability. Volleyball players need to learn how to variate the force with which they attack the ball, and rebounders are a great asset when it comes to that; force variation is a crucial aspect of Volleyball.

The players will also be able to learn how to switch up the ways they hit the ball to control its trajectory. After all, hitting a Volleyball is not the point. What matters is figuring out how to hit the ball in order to score. The biggest advantage a rebounder offers is that it can be used indoors or/and outdoors and does not take up much space.

So, Volleyball players who want to impress their coach and fellow players by showing tremendous performance improvement can use rebounders. Also, those who want to spend extra time practicing but cannot find willing partners to play with can use rebounders without worrying. Rebounders save a lot of time and greatly impact a person’s skill and playing style. Both kids and adults can use rebounders, and all players, from beginners to professionals, will benefit from practicing with rebounders.