
Building Your Own Sand Court For Volleyball

Who said one has to visit the beach to play Volleyball on a sand court? People can make their own sand court in their backyard if they want to. They have to be careful while choosing the sand for the court; the sand must be free of pebbles, rocks, shells, and other sharp objects. Otherwise, it may end up hurting the feet of the players and render them unable to play.

Regulations for Sand Court and its importance

The surface of the sand court should be made as level as possible to facilitate the ease of playing Volleyball. If one is trying to create a court that adheres to the official guidelines as much as possible, the sand is required to be 40cm deep, as that is how deep it has to be for playing Beach Volleyball. People can also make a sand court that is less deep if they want to if Volleyball is merely a casual activity/hobby to them.

The sand must not be too coarse or too fine; coarse sand may be challenging to play on and may cause the players to be hurt. Fine sand will cause dirt and dust to stick to the players’ skin. They will be covered in sand before the Volleyball match ends. The right type of sand facilitates unrestricted movement and does not distract the players by getting in between their toes. Using whatever sand one can get one’s hand on is a surefire way to make a Volleyball match disastrous.

Typically, the sand particles must be .25 to 1mm in size; this makes the sand firm enough to provide stable footing to the players but soft enough to cushion their fall. So many regulations and guidelines are there to select the correct type of sand because most players do not wear any protective gear while playing Volleyball on a sand court.

Approximately 160 – 200 tons of sand are required to make a Volleyball sand court. It is recommended to buy fairly clean sand that does not have much dirt; dirty sand has the tendency to become compact when it rains. The players will have to wait until the sand dries and is safe enough to play on or look for a different sand court, defeating the purpose of building one’s own court.

What type of sand is best for a Volleyball Court?

Even though there are many options available to those who want their own sand courts, not all types of sand are suitable. Overall washed masonry sand and tan sand are considered to be the best for building Volleyball sand courts. Though better than most other options, river sand is still not ideal for a Volleyball court.

Play sands are too fine and form a crust on the players’ bodies. Besides, they become highly compact when it rains, which must be avoided when building a sand court. Bunker sand is not gentle enough to cushion the falls of the players and may seriously injure them. Playing on any type of sand after sifting is possible, but playing on such surfaces is hazardous to the players.

Maintenance of Sand Court

Sand courts have to be checked regularly for any pointy/sharp objects that may have ended up in them; this helps ensure that the court remains safe to play on. Volleyball is a sport that requires constant movement from the players, so the sand gets displaced often. So, the players have to level the sand at least every week so that the next match can be started without delay; this is possible by using a rake or even a shovel.

Once a year, the sand near the boundaries of the court has to be raked back to the middle because the sand in the middle of the court gets accumulated near the boundaries. Such accumulation is caused by the constant use of the sand court for playing or practicing Volleyball. The equipment for the sand court (nets, poles/posts) does not deteriorate quickly and rarely requires upgrades and repairs. Still, portable Volleyball net systems are generally not considered to be suitable for sand courts.

Requirements to Build a Volleyball Sand Court

The players have to excavate the land using heavy equipment or seek the help of professionals to build the sand court. Also, draining pipes are required to remove the water underneath. Such measures are necessary when the players do not own naturally sandy lands like beach properties. After excavation, the chosen type of sand should be spread. Of course, the process becomes infinitely simpler if one owns a beach house.

The first thing one needs to do after the surface of the sand court is taken care of is to set boundaries; flat or rope-like structures called Lines are used for this purpose. The boundaries must be at least 52.6 x 26.3 feet. A free zone of approximately 10 feet should also be included, but if the matches are unofficial, the players can choose the dimensions of their sand court. Then, the poles and nets have to be set up.

The poles must be 11 to 13 feet high and 29 to 36 feet apart. Cementing the base of the poles ensures their stability, and the poles can be padded to protect the players from hurting themselves (extremely helpful when kids are playing). The next step is to procure Antennae that mark the area within which the Volleyball has to be served or hit.

Also, it is highly recommended to have a ball cart near the court if the player plans to practice Volleyball alone; this way, they will not have to stop practicing until they feel they have improved their techniques. The court has to run from North to South so that the players do not face any visibility issues due to the sun’s glare. After all, losing track of the ball when sunlight directly hits a player’s eyes is pretty easy.

Building one’s own sand court without help from others is a daunting task but not impossible. A lot of time and effort is required to build incredible sand courts – but once built last for a long time. They are relatively easier to maintain than outdoor Volleyball courts, and the players will not have to use pads to absorb the shock of the floor’s impact. Learning to play on a sand court before playing on hard courts will considerably reduce players’ injuries while practicing Volleyball, as they will know how to hold themselves when implementing a technique.

Wrapping Up

Those who want to possess a Volleyball sand court but do not have the time to build one can always delegate the task to professional landscapers. There are so many great companies out there that will do a stellar job of building one. Besides, the experts know precisely what type and quality of sand they need and will build a sand court that is the best fit for playing Volleyball.

Whether people build the court themselves or let others build it, the court must be good enough to make them reminiscence the ‘grand old years’ even after decades have passed. After all, the most important purpose of building a sand court is to have fun playing Volleyball to one’s heart’s content with friends and family.